Robin (Human Mage 3) Str 9; Dex 10; Con 13; Int 16; Wis 15; Cha 12 Armor Class: 10 Move: 12 Hit Points: 10 Number of Attacks: 1 Damage: By weapon type THAC0: 20 Alignment: LN Weapon Proficiencies: Staff Nonweapon Proficiencies: Alchemy, Danger Sense, Mental Armor, Numeracy, Reading/Writing, Sage Knowledge (Biochemistry), Spellcraft Languages: Common Magical Items: Abacus of Calculation, Eyeglasses of Enhanced Vision, Wax of Careful Hearing Robin is a young wizard of twenty-three hailing from the plague-torn Eastern Coast. His youth was spent in the throes of disease, keeping him from his studies both in desire and capability; but his aptitude for magic was discovered later in life, as was his joy for it, and he now finds himself a proud student of the local Wizard's College. As an initiate in biochemistry, a school of arcana known only to a privileged few, Robin has the freakish appearance that all good academics are wont to develop. He tans only by can- |
dlelight; with conjured slop for common fare, his frame wanes; and, following a failed experiment into the murky depths of arithmancy, every vein and every bone can be seen through his skin, such that other magelings take him on occasion to be some sort of undead. It is his utmost desire to graduate with honors, and to take on further studies for the vaunted title of Archmage. Robin is very silent when asked what his goals are beyond that. "Something to do with vermin, maybe," is his most definite answer ever given. Spellbook: Detect Magic, Find Familiar, Magic Missile, Protection From Hunger and Thirst, Read Magic, Silence, Unseen Servant |
LIKES: insects, pens with thick points, TSR-era lorebooks, western movies made before the year 1980
DISLIKES: barbecue sauce, blueberries and blueberry-adjacent fruits, elsevier, food, mayonnaise, melted cheese, notebooks with 70 sheets, salmon with lemon on top, scrambled eggs |
ANIMAL: fruit fly COLOR: yellow SONG: sabor a mi BOOK: the count of monte cristo 11/22/24 — ❤︎ |